- Equipment dealers rankings -
  • Only sales fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account.
  • Updated today at 02:45
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RankEquipment dealerLocationNb. salesTurnoverProfits
1.NICOLAS5556WALLONIE40649 702 746.003 450 726.75
2.BENOITTAMWALLONIE40038 023 730.001 379 025.50
3.PINPON69WALLONIE32810 705 791.00428 755.50
4.FACTEUR8WALLONIE21311 964 555.00429 127.70
5.FOCUSWALLONIE20317 578 812.00634 199.76
6.ANTOINEFENDTWALLONIE2017 762 438.00275 444.25
7.MEGGUIDOWALLONIE1616 965 052.00252 618.90
8.THOUTMOSIS3WALLONIE1585 385 166.00174 059.20
9.TINKERAWALLONIE1454 644 493.00166 995.10
10.DAMIEN7591WALLONIE1003 491 269.00332 683.75
11.CATERPILLARWALLONIE832 870 897.00147 329.00
12.LOULOU63WALLONIE622 373 365.0074 462.10
13.GUIMSWALLONIE595 548 683.00197 517.00
14.TIMMYHOLDENFLANDRE557 535 152.00272 872.00
15.BALOUWALLONIE471 353 950.0074 632.50
16.BJOJOWALLONIE462 480 547.00144 556.50
17.ADRI2540WALLONIE432 291 637.0080 773.35
18.AJ150WALLONIE43645 950.0042 123.50
19.MASSEY VTFLANDRE412 406 082.00121 862.50
20.CEROGFLANDRE351 795 592.0064 557.50
21.FARMER03FLANDRE30687 450.0032 100.00
22.BENTERWALLONIE21730 898.0026 336.75
23.MAJEAN59FLANDRE18289 112.0017 273.00
24.MF 42WALLONIE14416 000.0022 868.00
25.JIMMY969WALLONIE10781 730.0054 362.00

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