- Transport contractor ranking per truck -
  • Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
  • Updated 1 time per day

Ranking by :
Equipment :
Transport contractor's region :

RankContractorRegionDoneTons transportedNumber of equipments transported
1.CYBERFREDWallonie1227342 264.27 t.0
2.TINKERAWallonie9091 252 209.72 t.100
3.EMILIOTOSCANIFlandre629331 605.86 t.11
4.BJOJOWallonie404236 587.75 t.42
5.LOULOU63Wallonie313252 994.85 t.50
6.LIMAGRAINFlandre244164 343.01 t.0
7.PINPON69Wallonie214290 702.01 t.214
8.MASSEY VTFlandre112139 414.68 t.86
9.QUENTINHAUSTENNEWallonie11075 688.75 t.21
10.GUIMSWallonie108178 673.47 t.0
11.BALOUWallonie10564 784.60 t.565
12.MUNTJAC28Wallonie100204 666.85 t.0
13.JU1407Wallonie7634 225.92 t.0
14.DAMIEN7591Wallonie7577 996.48 t.236
15.THOUTMOSIS3Wallonie7219 591.57 t.207
16.MAJEAN59Flandre7161 906.78 t.14
17.ANTOINEFENDTWallonie6922 802.07 t.201
18.CYCLONEWallonie6633 237.39 t.0
19.MF 42Wallonie6618 867.74 t.20
20.JIMMY969Wallonie6541 230.76 t.15
21.BENTERWallonie624 381.06 t.35
22.BENOITTAMWallonie53324 784.12 t.1 245
23.JOSHDWallonie5235 888.67 t.0
24.BERT3789Flandre5213 771.29 t.0
25.NICOLAS5556Wallonie4411 988.23 t.327

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