- Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
- Updated 1 time per day
Rank | Contractor | Region | Done | Tons transported | Number of equipments transported |
1. | LOLO19 | Wallonie | 798 | 529 575.92 t. | 716 |
2. | FACTEUR8 | Wallonie | 781 | 1 096 537.01 t. | 168 |
3. | UNGOL | Wallonie | 104 | 31 934.05 t. | 38 |
4. | BERT3789 | Flandre | 39 | 25 487.13 t. | 0 |
5. | ANTOINE716 | Wallonie | 9 | 87 679.00 t. | 1 |
6. | FLOPY99 | Wallonie | 4 | 22 009.43 t. | 0 |
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