- Transport contractor ranking per truck -
  • Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
  • Updated 1 time per day

Ranking by :
Equipment :
Transport contractor's region :

RankContractorRegionDoneTons transportedNumber of equipments transported
1.TINKERAWallonie17011 939 533.98 t.120
2.CYBERFREDWallonie1219273 219.68 t.0
3.CATERPILLARWallonie51780 554.57 t.187
4.LOULOU63Wallonie327158 474.92 t.153
5.PINPON69Wallonie302493 711.28 t.426
6.BALOUWallonie287125 873.35 t.103
7.BJOJOWallonie259113 445.64 t.43
8.EMILIOTOSCANIFlandre226110 040.87 t.22
9.QUENTINHAUSTENNEWallonie186138 435.68 t.206
10.GUIMSWallonie181318 869.82 t.0
11.MADNESS78Wallonie14841 360.45 t.0
12.LIMAGRAINFlandre14175 510.81 t.0
13.AMAURY12351Wallonie12436 586.90 t.1
14.BENOITTAMWallonie113158 446.22 t.1 161
15.MAJEAN59Flandre10186 780.29 t.17
16.JIMMY969Wallonie10166 093.11 t.19
17.BENTERWallonie7592 334.16 t.200
18.CONSTANT5Wallonie7422 819.64 t.0
19.MASSEY VTFlandre68122 574.21 t.0
20.MF 42Wallonie6527 127.22 t.16
21.MUNTJAC28Wallonie6354 831.64 t.0
22.CYCLONEWallonie5328 596.17 t.0
23.PAPOUNERFlandre5211 126.71 t.7
24.VINCE_VZWallonie4920 487.10 t.0
25.ANTOINEFENDTWallonie4456 491.31 t.226

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To manage a regional cooperative you must declare yourself as a potentiel partner.

To build an industrial cheese dairy you first have to get a building permit.