- Equipment dealers rankings -
  • Only sales fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account.
  • Updated today at 02:45
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RankEquipment dealerLocationNb. salesTurnoverProfits
1.NICOLAS5556WALLONIE40549 715 511.003 451 620.30
2.BENOITTAMWALLONIE34328 807 980.001 044 775.50
3.PINPON69WALLONIE29610 033 186.00404 059.50
4.ANTOINEFENDTWALLONIE22011 429 990.00408 391.25
5.FOCUSWALLONIE19816 864 712.00608 299.76
6.FACTEUR8WALLONIE18410 872 926.00389 533.30
7.MEGGUIDOWALLONIE1616 965 052.00252 618.90
8.THOUTMOSIS3WALLONIE1385 107 169.00167 578.20
9.TINKERAWALLONIE1233 954 653.00142 903.85
10.CATERPILLARWALLONIE1083 608 847.00187 540.00
11.DAMIEN7591WALLONIE812 834 104.00308 848.75
12.GUIMSWALLONIE615 365 333.00190 867.00
13.LOULOU63WALLONIE592 318 825.0072 602.10
14.TIMMYHOLDENFLANDRE557 535 152.00272 872.00
15.ADRI2540WALLONIE462 585 830.0090 881.35
16.BJOJOWALLONIE462 480 547.00144 556.50
17.BALOUWALLONIE461 259 200.0068 000.00
18.AJ150WALLONIE45760 950.0050 173.50
19.MASSEY VTFLANDRE442 456 745.00123 700.50
20.CEROGFLANDRE351 795 592.0064 557.50
21.FARMER03FLANDRE29645 950.0029 660.00
22.MF 42WALLONIE18548 000.0030 188.00
23.MAJEAN59FLANDRE18289 112.0017 273.00
24.BENTERWALLONIE15515 555.0018 702.50
25.JIMMY969WALLONIE10781 730.0054 362.00

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