- Equipment dealers rankings -
  • Only sales fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account.
  • Updated today at 02:45
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RankEquipment dealerLocationNb. salesTurnoverProfits
1.BENOITTAMWALLONIE82385 072 994.003 083 609.00
2.GUIHOMEWALLONIE36645 318 775.001 678 204.50
3.PINPON69WALLONIE31110 356 783.00375 148.10
4.NICOLAS5556WALLONIE24924 014 845.001 669 381.15
5.BALOUWALLONIE23116 417 950.001 101 548.50
6.FACTEUR8WALLONIE22710 459 580.00378 908.00
7.ANTOINEFENDTWALLONIE1677 431 204.00307 156.50
8.MEGGUIDOWALLONIE1647 121 700.00258 300.00
9.FOCUSWALLONIE15317 694 215.00641 542.26
10.MASSEY VTFLANDRE1427 671 803.00493 784.00
11.CATERPILLARWALLONIE1405 617 000.00362 990.00
12.BENTERWALLONIE1316 662 031.00229 938.00
13.TINKERAWALLONIE1165 105 085.00169 216.00
14.THOUTMOSIS3WALLONIE823 237 446.00112 262.30
15.QUENTINHAU...WALLONIE788 251 993.00316 093.90
16.LOULOU63WALLONIE674 664 293.00165 408.00
17.GUIMSWALLONIE383 831 776.00138 978.50
18.AJ150WALLONIE37688 790.0044 606.50
19.BJOJOWALLONIE361 268 528.0054 714.50
20.FLOPY99WALLONIE321 141 594.0041 404.00
21.MAJEAN59FLANDRE23450 465.0021 987.00
22.EMILIOTOSC...FLANDRE201 024 708.0085 873.00
23.TIMMYHOLDENFLANDRE181 132 235.0040 668.00
24.MF 42WALLONIE16467 000.0023 216.00
25.JIMMY969WALLONIE14989 496.0051 362.10

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