Rank | Province | Number of animals | Number of rearers | Number of animals per rearer |
1. | Wallonie / Hainaut | 691900449 | 293 | 2361435 |
2. | Wallonie / Liège | 394806117 | 285 | 1385285 |
3. | Wallonie / Namur | 250021389 | 244 | 1024678 |
4. | Flandre / Brabant Flamand | 4584089 | 34 | 134826 |
5. | Wallonie / Brabant wallon | 1701844 | 119 | 14301 |
6. | Wallonie / Luxembourg | 1024487 | 82 | 12494 |
7. | Flandre / Limbourg | 554592 | 109 | 5088 |
8. | Flandre / Flandre occidentale | 370808 | 104 | 3565 |
9. | Flandre / Flandre orientale | 1271 | 1 | 1271 |
10. | Flandre / Anvers | 1104 | 16 | 69 |
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